We received a letter today from one of our youth, Alex Mausen from Mgona. Alex has been a part of the Somebody Cares family since 2007 when he nearly dropped out of school because he needed help paying his school fees. Alex came to know Christ through his time in the Somebody Cares family. Prior to that, he was a Muslim. Yet being a part of this family, and seeing Christ's love lived out through the staff and volunteers, Alex gave his life to the Lord. We could not be more proud of the man of God he has become. Please take a minute to read his letter:
Subject: My Appreciation
I would like to thank God a lot for using the ministry of Somebody Cares to be a step-up transforming factor of my life in all the essential angles of my life (social and spiritual).
I became a son of Somebody Cares in the year 2007 when I was taken to start my secondary education after a long time of just staying at home doe to lack of school fees. This was because there was no one to pay my school fees, but Somebody Cares came to the rescue and I was taken away from the uneducated world. I worked hard all the way in my education so that I could make good use of the money that Somebody Cares paid me for fees until I wrote my Malawi School Certificate examinations in the year 2010.
After the MSCE results came out, my wish to be in one of the universities of Malawi grew bigger and I worked hard towards writing the university entrance examinations. Unfortunately, I wasn't on the list of selected candidates to go to university. Somebody Cares further helped me to sit again for the entrance examination and as I was waiting for the results, I was told to find a course I could be studying and it was like my prayer answered. I chose to study computer engineering at Beston College of Accounting and now I have written the certificate in computer engineering examinations. Thank you Somebody Cares!
Now the university entrance examination results are out but unfortunately, I'm not on the list of the selected candidates again. The University of Malawi just took 908 candidates out of thousands. This means I still have a long term of being out of the university, but all the same I don't lose hope for I know God's time is the best, no matter how long. But what He made for me shall come in His own time.
My life hasn't been the same since Somebody Cares embraced me and it is my prayer that God should cast light of the Holy Spirit on the ministry for its long existence. May the God bless and give long life to the F.E.D. (Founder and Executive Director, Theresa Malilia) for using the knowledge that God gave her to establish this ministry. Thanks to the entire family of Somebody Cares for the support and encouragement.
May the good Lord bless you all!
Alex Mausen
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